Wednesday, March 24, 2010

#1 and #2 on best seller list - YA Fiction at Smashwords

Great news, and I'm excited, to say the least! My books are at #1 and #2 on the best seller list for Young Adult Fiction at Smashwords.

ROBERT'S RIDE has moved up to #2, exactly five weeks after being published.

If you have not read SONS and BROTHERS in SEATTLE yet, you can still get it for FREE by using code NQ44T at Smashwords checkout until 5/5/2010. This is the special second edition with bonus extra chapters from the sequel.

Happy reading,


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Back on top! SONS and BROTHERS in SEATTLE is #1 (again)

Number 1 best selling YA author! With SONS and BROTHERS in SEATTLE back on top of the Smashwords YA Best Sellers list, I can now claim to be a number one best selling author of young adult fiction.

In addition, ROBERT'S RIDE has moved up to #4, just five weeks after being published. I'm still rather in awe and humbled by all this, but it is exciting and amazing, too.

If you want to read SONS and BROTHERS in SEATTLE, the Smashwords coupon code NQ44T for a free copy is still valid until 5/5/2010. The current Smashwords special second edition includes free bonus chapters from the sequel!

Happy reading,


Monday, March 15, 2010

Did you miss "Read an eBook Week"? Sale continues for my books...

It was a great week! "Read an eBook Week" is now over, but it brought lots of sales and downloads. SONS and BROTHERS in SEATTLE spent three days at #1 on the overall Smashwords YA Best Sellers list. I was totally amazed and excited when I saw that happening.

If you missed the sale at Smashwords, you can still get my books free, but you will need coupon code NQ44T to get SONS and BROTHERS in SEATTLE for Free until 5/5/2010. For that book, I've also published a new special Smashwords Second Edition, with BONUS Chapters from the sequel (currently titled SONS and BROTHERS Sail Into DANGER).

I'm thrilled that ROBERT'S RIDE, published only 4 weeks ago, has moved up to #5 on the Smashwords YA Best Sellers list.

One more piece of happy news is that A Family Legacy: THE WATSON WORKS continues to hold its place at around #13 on the overall YA downloads list on Smashwords. There are just under 500 YA titles at Smashwords and over 8,000 titles in total on Smashwords. It's a great site for readers, so

Happy reading,


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Follow Wilson James, author on Twitter

Now you can follow my tweets at Twitter or on this blog (see my version of the 'best of Twitter' on the left side of this page). I'll continue to provide news on my books, and celebrate when I have little bits of success, such as when one of my books spent 3 days at #1 on the YA best seller list on Smashwords, or when I had a record day for downloads this past week. I may also retweet important or interesting news from the world of books and writing.

Happy tweeting,

(that's an underscore: @WilJames_author)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Top 2 Best Sellers for eBook week and 5-star review

Read an eBook Week has started, and is in full swing on Smashwords. There are hundreds of books for free and many others with 25% to 50% discounts. My books are all FREE this week.

When looking at the specials for Young Adults, two of my books are the top 2 Best Sellers, and I have to admit to being really thrilled about how well they've done! The top two are SONS and BROTHERS in SEATTLE and ROBERT'S RIDE.

I was also extraordinarily happy to see that one of my other books, PLAYING THE 'SON' CARD, just received a 5-star rating in a review.

See all the books for yourself, and

Happy reading,


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Read an eBook Week: FREE Books and Coupons

So, "Read an eBoook Week" is here on March 7th. I hope that it proves to be successful. As I mentioned in my Blog recently, my contribution is that five of my titles are FREE. (See the Smashwords specials page for details.) I hope a few more people discover my books.

I'm very happy to note that SONS and BROTHERS in SEATTLE moved up to #4 on the Smashwords YA Best Sellers list; while ROBERT'S RIDE remains at #7 (pretty amazing for a book published less than a month ago). I'm also pleased that of the 488 young adult titles currently available for download at Smashwords, A Family Legacy: THE WATSON WORKS is number 18.

There are a huge number of eBooks available, many of them free. With lots to choose from, everyone should be able to enjoy,

Happy reading,


Monday, March 1, 2010

SONS and BROTHERS in SEATTLE hits #5 on Smashwords YA Best Seller list

In reviewing the end-month stats, I was awestruck to see that SONS and BROTHERS in SEATTLE has made it up to #5 on the all-time YA Best Sellers list on Smashwords.

I am truly amazed that this novel has done so well, and in only 2-1/2 months since getting published on Smashwords. If you have not read it yet, and want to, here's an exclusive coupon code for readers of this blog only; enter NQ44T at Smashwords checkout to get SONS and BROTHERS in SEATTLE for Free, until 5/5/2010.

And now more incredible news: I am further shocked, and more deeply humbled, to see that ROBERT'S RIDE has risen to #7 on that same list, only 2 weeks after being published on Smashwords.

As I said in a previous post, I write for myself, but I suppose the words of Jesse Stuart apply. He said, "Write something to suit yourself and many people will like it; write something to suit everybody, and scarcely anyone will care for it." I suppose that I could say a few people are liking what I've written.

With the Vancouver Games having ended (and there was a lot of excitement) , I will devote more time to my writing, and I suppose more people will find time to read. Don't forget 'Read an eBook Week' starts soon, so whatever you find that you like,

Happy reading,
