Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Our plans for the New Year. Our plans for life.

Sometimes we get so involved in living that we forget our plans. Or, put another way, life is what happens when we’re making plans.

As much as I think that the hype around the traditional holiday season (primarily Christmas and New Year) is just too much, the idea that we should pause and reflect is one well worth pursuing. As the end of December nears, it is good to take a bit of time and consider what we’ve done, where we are, and where we want to be. It could be said that we reflect on success and disappointments, and we promise ourselves to do better next year.

In my case, I admit to being disappointed with the little amount of time I’ve been able to devote to my writing. The success of my professional life has meant long hours at work while the happiness of my personal life is certainly due to the time spent with family.

Nonetheless, I truly enjoy being able to create and share stories, and I resolve to return to the pace I was setting a few years ago.

For those finding time to reflect at this year-end, I truly and sincerely suggest that you watch (or re-watch) this video at TED Talks. In 2007, Carnegie Mellon professor Randy Pausch, who was dying of pancreatic cancer, delivered a one-of-a-kind last lecture that made the world stop and pay attention. This moving talk will teach you how to really achieve your childhood dreams. It is truly a “must watch” and I commend it to you.


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