Friday, February 28, 2014

The Authors of Smashwords have now published more than 10 billion words

The main vehicle for me to publish my (so far) seven books is Smashwords, and this week Smashwords authors reached an exciting milestone:  10 Billion Words Published.  The milestone was reached sometime around noon Pacific time, on Monday.

As Smashwords founder Mark Coker says in his blog, "These words come from 87,000 writers from every corner of the globe who have gathered together to change the world of publishing one eBook at a time as manifested through their 288,000 titles at Smashwords."

As Mark goes on to say, "These writers are revolutionaries and saviors of the written word, even if they don't view themselves as such.  They're leading the indie author movement."

It took about 50 months for Smashwords to reach 5 billion words in July, 2012.  It's taken only about 18 months more to add the second 5 Billion.

To put this into personal perspective, when I published my first eBook with Smashwords in December 2009, they had less than 10% of the words and titles they do now. I can also say, with great happiness, that as Smashwords' overall stats have increased by a factor of 10, so have my stats increased, with tens of thousands of my books in the hands of readers.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Author as a Groundhog

I feel like I've been a bit of a groundhog over the last few months. In fact, it started last summer, with a long distance move to a new job and then all sorts of new family and work-related challenges that have kept me from writing. 

However, I haven't given up - not at all. I've had some story ideas, and have drafted the outlines of two new novels. Plus, I've still got six in various stages of completion - some of which I've included in my blog's section on Future Books. 

So, thanks for checking in here, and look for more work from me later this year. Perhaps, like the groundhog, I'll eventually find that winter is over and spring will find me at the keyboard once again.

All the best,
